Friday, June 28, 2013

Eyelash Growth Methods for Your Aid

The eyelash or lash is the hair that grows at the edge of the eyelid that protects the eye from debris. Most girls just love to do things to their eyelashes to make it look beautiful.  Whether the girls are into extensions, lengthening mascaras or lash growth, whatever it is to make them look gorgeous. There have been a lot of experiments done by women all over the world on how to have the fullest and longest eyelashes possible.

What are the aids in lengthening?

The trend towards lash enhancement has been steady over the past few years. Because genetics determines the length and health of you eyelashes, there are kinds of natural solutions to make your eyelashes grow. Natural solutions that could help grow eyelashes are a bit slow in the process unlike some eyelash growth products. Here are some natural ways that could help you with your quest to grow your eyelashes to your desired length.

Olive Oil – by applying this at the base of your eyelashes every night before sleeping to promote longer and thicker lashes. Olive oil serves as a conditioner for your eyelashes thus improving its health and strength.

Antioxidants – Vitamins! Having a healthy diet of fruits that contains vitamin C and E are good for normal hair growth and development. Vitamin E for the scalp and Vitamin C for the hair.

Emu Oil – by using emu oil, it stimulates longer and thick eyelashes growth. Use cotton buds to pick small amounts of the oil and apply it onto your eyelashes.

Vaseline – by applying a small amount of Vaseline in your eyelids which is the base of your eyelashes, after a few weeks you will notice new hair growth.

Trimming – trimming the tip of your eyelashes will help promote faster growth and improves its length.

There are a lot of ways to grow eyelashes. The methods above that are ways to do it naturally and some are with the help of many different products that are sold in the market. Please bear in mind that even if the methods mentioned above are healthy and effective for others, it doesn't mean and will also be the same for you. If you are allergic to these kinds of methods, avoid using them without supervision or don’t use it at all to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Take care of your eyelashes

Eyelashes are the same as the hairs on top of our head; it needs care to remain beautiful and long. Women eyelashes are exposed to cosmetics and other treatments due to the fact that they want it to look good. But make ups could damage the eyelash if left unattended. Wash away those make up before sleeping, also replace those make ups that are about to expire. Rubbing your eyes could damage the eyelash; it can cause breakage and fallout.

If you want you want to look good in the eyes of others, you should take care of yourself by taking care of your body. You may also try to use some of the best eyelash growth products in the market today.

1 comment:

  1. The eyelash or lash is the hair that develops at the edge of the eyelid that shields the eye from trash. Most young ladies simply love to get things done to their eyelashes to make it look delightful. Regardless of whether the young ladies are into expansions, stretching mascaras or lash development, whatever it is to make them look exquisite. There have been a great deal of tests done by ladies everywhere throughout the world on the most proficient method to have the fullest and longest eyelashes conceivable. Eyelash Transplant
